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Mission Statement 

The goal of the St. Mary Religious Education program is to educate the whole Church community about our Catholic faith, and to promote the idea of faith formation as a life-long, continuous process.  Through the Sacraments and the rich traditions of our church we desire to bring them into a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We want to from Intentional Disciples, who will go forth and proclaim the Good News by their words, actions, and the lives that they lead.

Click here to read the Mission and Ministry of Catechesis statement. 


Contact Information:

Religious Formation offices are located in the Parish Office.

Phone: 810-982-7906 ext. 3




Religious Education Staff

Mary Shoudy: Director of Faith Formation: 810-982-7906 x155

Barb Patchett: Assistant Director of Faith Formation: 810-982-7906 x102

Laurie Elliott: Coordinator of Youth Ministry: 810-982-7906 x156

Click here for full directory of Catechists


Religious Education Class Schedule

Sunday- 1-6thgrade: 10:00-11:00 am

Wednesday- Junior High–grades 7 & 8: bi-monthly 7-8:30 pm


Religious Education Overview 


Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Children ages Preschool – 2nd grade are invited to attend Children’s Liturgy during the 9:00 am Mass year round. During the lesson, children will listen to and explore the Gospel reading for that Sunday at a child’s level of understanding. They will also recite the Children’s Creed and Prayers of the Faithful, and do a simple activity to reinforce what they’ve learned from the Gospel. Children's Liturgy is run by a team of volunteer catechists and we are always looking for more! If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Religious Education Office. 


Religious Education (Also known as Faith Formation or Catechism) is offered for students on Sundays (1st – 6th grade) from 10:00-11:00 am.  An age appropriate curriculum approved for use by the Archdiocese of Detroit provides formal religious education for each grade, as well as sacramental preparation. Parents are required to attend several meetings and formation during the First Eucharist Preparation in 2nd grade. Classes run from September through the end of April


Junior High Religious Education (click for more information)


OCIA for Children: Students over 7 years old who have not yet received the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and /or First Eucharist and need to “catch up” to their peers are invited to attend this program. An age-appropriate, Diocese approved curriculum is used.


Vacation Bible School is usually held the last week of June at St. Mary, and is a very important part of religious education.  There are also opportunities during VBS for older children to assist adult volunteers and earn hours for Confirmation Prep or NJHS.


High School Youth Group (click for more info)


Bridges to Faith


Tuition: Tuition rates are as follows:


There is a family fee of $45.00 per family

Tuition per child is $55.00

Total cost for : One child:  $100.00 ($45.00 family fee + $55.00 tuition)

                         Two children:  $155.00 ($45.00 family fee + $110.00 tuition)

                         Three children:  $210.00 ($45.00 family fee + $165.00 tuition)


*Please do not let financial difficulties keep your children out of Religious Education.  If you are unable to cover part of your costs, please see the Director, Mary Shoudy. Payment plans and subsidies are available.


Please click here for Policies and Procedures


A paper copy of the Parent-Student Handbook is available at any time from the Religious Education staff.  Just ask! 


Adult Formation

Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA)

Weekly-Wednesday 7pm

The OCIA is the process by which people enter into to Church or complete their Sacraments of initiation. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person including believing, living, praying, and serving with our Parish community. This process runs from October through Easter Vigil, where all those that have successfully gone through the process will celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation which include Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.



Bible Study 


The Bible studies explore different books and aspects of the Word of God. These studies help to deepen the participant’s relationship with Jesus through a better understanding of Scripture. 


Monday 6:30 pm:

Facilitator: Roger Thomas


Thursday 9:30am:

Facilitator: Pat Isaacson


Contact Parish Office for more information at 810-982-7906 x 101




Religious Education Staff
Religious Education Class Schedule
Youth Group
Children's Liturgy
Vacation Bible School
Bible Study
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