Weekend Mass Times:
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
Reconciliation: Click here for full schedule
Staff/Contact Information 2019-2020
Revised 8/28/19
Director of Religious Education: Mary Shoudy
Work: 810-982-7906 x 155, Email: maryshoudy@yahoo.com
Assistant DRE: Barb Patchett
Work: 810-982-7906 x 102, Email: barbpatchett4@gmail.com
Youth Minister: Laurie Elliott
Work: 810-982-7906 x 156, Email: stmaryphyouthgroup@gmail.com
Religious Ed Office Hours: 9:00 am - 3:00pm, M – Th, and by appointment.
Religious Education email: stmaryphreled@gmail.com
Catechists: Sunday classes
Grade 1: Jan Fritz – email: fritzjanice@hotmail.com
Grade 2: Mary Ann Nicholson - email: maryann@bluewaterlaw.com
Grade 3: Jim Yantz – email: jyantz@comcast.net
Grade 4/5: Starla Hurt – email: jesahurt@comcast.net
Grade 6: Christina Frankowiak – email: frankowiak78@gmail.com
Sub: Stacy Britz
Sub: Kristin Bedford
Sub: Ellen Karamon
RCIA for Children: Mary Shoudy – 810-982-7906 x 155
Children’s Liturgy of the Word:
Barb Patchett – email: barbpatchett4@gmail.com
Jennifer Senkmajer – email: jen.senk@comcast.net
Beth Rock – email: slurpiegirl1327@aol.com
Ellen Karamon
Sally Bremer – email: salbremer@gmail.com
Junior High:
Wendy Smith - email: wsmith@talmerbank.com
David Kelley - email: davidekelley@gmail.com
Robert Matthews - email: lemzky2000@yahoo.com