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Greeting Ministry

The Greeting Ministry has a simple mission: welcoming people to Mass.  A smiling face is all you need.  We need at least five more people. Also, we are looking for subs. On Saturday evening, the volunteer working side door must be there by 4:15-4:20. A bus comes from Mercy Village. The greeter needs to be available to help them in the sanctuary. Presently, we need two greeters while construction is going on. Afterwards we will need three one for each door. The greeters should try to be on duty a half hour before masses.


 We do not have meetings. Please contact Ann at or 810-216-6887 with questions about this important ministry. 


Testimonial from the Greeting Ministry Founder, Ann Doddridge:

"When I first came to St Mary, I was not happy that we did not have greeters. I feel it is a way to make parishioners feel welcome to the church. The greeter may be the only person they talk to at church. I feel it has been a way to meet Parishioners and introduce to fellow parishioners. I have enjoyed working the side door helping the handicapped."

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